Could it be true… Skateboarding in schools?? :)

The rumors are true. There is skateboarding in schools….and to boot, it’s done in a professional, relatable, safe manner! NESA has designed skateboarding programs and lesson plans that not only engage students, but meet State and National Physical Education Standards. NESA is also congruent with USA Skateboarding’s S.K.A.T.E. smart initiatives - making this program not only about skateboarding, but about safety, and a thoughtful approach to a life-long activity.

The founder of the New England Skateboarding Association, Bill Strecker, comes from a design background and has developed a gym-safe board that has now been used successfully, and without damage to facilities, in many school gymnasiums, raquetball courts, and other indoor areas.

Some of the schools and municipalities that have run successful programs and had positive experiences with the gym-safe boards are Allen Street Campus School, Rutland,, VT; Rutland Intermediate School, Rutland, VT ; Middlebury, VT Parks & Recreations, and The City of Rutland Parks & Recreations, VT.


Skateboarding in Communities